


GMO Hosting & Security Hosting Brands Announce Compatibility of Exchange Service ASP with New WILLCOM Smart Phone

Tokyo – August 6, 2007 – The Exchange Service provided by the two major GMO Hosting & Security hosting brands iSLE and RapidSite is now compatible with new release WILLCOM smart phone Advanced/W-ZERO3[es] (WS011SH) with Microsoft ® 6 Classic. Exchange Service is compatible with all WILLCOM smart phones (8/2007). GMO Hosting & Security is a GMO Internet Group company.

Exchange Service
Exchange Service is an effective business solution that uses Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 for integrated e-mail and schedule management and information sharing not only from PC but also Windows compatible mobile terminals (cell phones, PDA etc.). The service is provided as an ASP minimizing installation and operation costs while offering a sophisticated messaging service that can be used from one mail account.

1. Microsoft® Exchange Server Hosting Service
Exchange Service is an ASP service that allows customers to use the Microsoft ® Exchange Server, a system solution aimed at large corporations. Set up and operation costs are minimized making it easy for small and medium business and even individual users to implement.
2. Combine with POP Mail Installation
Use both POP mail and Exchange mail for e-mail addresses with the same domain. Having all employees on Exchange mail can be expensive. We make it possible to combine POP mail and Exchange mail to reduce costs.
3. Can be used from a single e-mail address – individual use possible
Apply for the Exchange Service for a single e-mail address.

GMO-HS aims to continue maintaining Exchange Service compatibility with new smart phone functions as they are released and to grow the smart phone market.

Comment from Tadasu Tsuchihashi, Director and Executive Vice President, WILLCOM, Inc.
The Advanced/W-ZERO3[es] released on July 19 has been well received. The new mobile operating system, Windows Mobile 6, on the Advanced/W-ZERO3[es] features an improved user interface and better security features that make it an even more effective business tool. I believe compatibility with the GMO Hosting & Security Exchange Service will greatly increase the use of smart phones in business.

GMO Hosting & Security INC.
One of Japan’s leading hosting providers, GMO Hosting & Security has been providing a diverse range of hosting services through the two brands iSLE and RapidSite since it was first established in 1997. While hosting services are the core of our business we also provide a range of Internet solution products such as electronic authentication certificates and hosting service OEM to ISP and web hosting companies. In November 2006 we received the ISMS (Information Security Management System) International Standard ISO/IEC27001:2005 and JIS Q 27001:2006 Certification.

Related Links (all links in Japanese unless otherwise indicated)
Details (iSLE):
Details (RapidSite):
Advanced^W-ZERO3 [es]:
Exchange Free Trial (iSLE):
Exchange Free Trial (RapidSite):

Media Inquiries
GMO Hosting & Security INC. Corporate Planning Department
GMO Internet Inc. Group PR Team

The GMO Internet Group
The GMO Internet Group is a leading force in the Internet industry offering one of the most comprehensive ranges of Internet services in Japan. We hold top domestic market shares in domain registration, web hosting and payment processing and we provide a host of other services including e-commerce solutions, Internet advertising and online securities trading to individual and corporate customers. Striving to redefine the industry and foster a vibrant Internet culture, the GMO Internet Group is continuously working to inspire enthusiasm in our customers and put smiles on their faces.

GMO Hosting & Security INC.

Company Name

GMO Hosting & Security INC.<>
(TSE Mothers Market Code: 3788)


Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya ku, Tokyo, JAPAN


Mitsuru Aoyama

Business Description

Web hosting service
Internet security


902,060,000 YEN

GMO Internet Inc.

Company Name

GMO Internet Inc.<>
(TSE First Section Code: 9449)


Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya ku, Tokyo, JAPAN


Masatoshi Kumagai

Business Description

Internet Use Support (Infrastructure)
Internet Advertising Support (Media)
Internet Finance


9,651,750,000 YEN

*All company and product names in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
*All information in this document is correct at the time of release. Please be aware that it is subject to change as a result of events occurring after the release date.

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