


GlobalSign Launches NonIP SSL Allowing Customers to Use Their Own SSL Domain without an IP Address

Tokyo – June 13, 2007 – GMO Internet Group company GlobalSign announces the launch today of NonIP SSL under the GlobalSign brand. NonIP SSL makes it possible for customers to use SSL server certificates at name-based virtual domains to which no IP address is assigned.

Up until now it has been necessary each websites to have IP addresses in order to use an SSL server certificate with the companyfs own domain. Many of the shared server services offered by Internet service providers and web hosting service providers use name-based virtual domains to which individual IP addresses cannot be assigned. Therefore SSL communication and the use of SSL server certificates was not possible on individual domains. This meant that visitors to these corporate and personal sites did not have the security of SSL when completing inquiry forms or making online purchases. Increasingly our customers are demanding SSL server certificates they can use with their own domains.
The new NonIP SSL service reflects the needs of these customers and employs a unique method (patent pending) for enabling SSL server certificates to be used on individual domains even when IP addresses do not exist for each web site. SSL communication can be added without making any changes to the existing web server structure so there is no need to change contract plans to take advantage of this service.

The Market
In the web hosting industry services in which IP addresses are allocated to each web site account for only 21% of the entire market. Up until now this was the only portion of the market where SSL server certificates could be introduced for customers with their own domain. The new NonIP SSL opens up the remaining 79% of the market (where no IP addresses are assigned). The new service is expected to widen SSL server certificate use and to expand sales. (according to our own research)

EThe existing SSL market is only 21% of the web hosting industry
ENonIP SSL opens up the remaining 79% of the market

Method of Sales
This service will be made available through OEM channels (under the brand name of our partners), and be provided by each of our partners as their own service.

The first certificate authority in Europe to acquire WebTrust accreditation, GlobalSign began providing digital authentication services to Belgium ten years ago when the digital authentication market was first emerging. Customers include a number of Belgian government agencies and we are the certificate authority for many prestigious government projects including eID*(BELPIC). GlobalSign became a member of the GMO Internet Group in 2006 and beginning in Japan is expanding sales of government-level security worldwide.

Performance: (cumulative figures)
Issued over 100,000 SSL Server Certificates
Issued more than 1.4 million digital certificates (for web sites, IC Cards etc. including Digital IDs).
Over 20 million certificates worldwide rely on the public trust provided by the GlobalSign root
We supply many major government agencies and major corporations.

The first certificate authority in Europe to obtain WebTrust accreditation
In Japan GlobalSign (formerly GeoTrust JAPAN) participates as JCAF (Japan Certificate Authority Forum)
Member of Anti-Phishing Working Group

Media Inquiries
GMO Hosting & Security Inc. Corporate Planning Department
GMO Internet Inc. Group PR Team

*IP Address:
A number that identifies individual devices in communications that use Internet Protocol. The allocation of a unique Global IP address is required when a web server is established. In Japan there has been some concern that available addresses will be exhausted and for this reason they are not readily available. This has led to a proliferation of virtual domain-type hosting services that do not have individual IP addresses.

*eID: A citizen ID card. This is the first stage in the e-government project in Belgium. The ID card containing a digital certificate is distributed to all Belgian citizens over the age of 12.

The GMO Internet Group
The GMO Internet Group is a leading force in the Internet industry offering one of the most comprehensive ranges of Internet services in Japan. We hold top domestic market shares in domain registration, web hosting and payment processing and we provide a host of other services including e-commerce solutions, Internet advertising and online securities trading to individual and corporate customers. Striving to redefine the industry and foster a vibrant Internet culture, the GMO Internet Group is continuously working to inspire enthusiasm in our customers and put smiles on their faces.

GlobalSign K.K.

Company Name GlobalSign K.K.<>
Address Shibuya Infoss Tower 20-1, 20-1 Sakuragaoakacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
CEO Ichiro Chujo
Business Description Information security and digital authentication
Capital 356,640,000 YEN

GMO Hosting & Security Inc.

Company Name GMO Hosting & Security Inc.<>
(TSE Mothers Market Code: 3788)
Address Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
CEO Mitsuru Aoyama
Business Description Web hosting service
Internet security
Capital 902,060,000 YEN

GMO Internet Inc.

Company Name GMO Internet Inc.<>
(TSE First Section Code: 9449)
Address Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
CEO Masatoshi Kumagai
Business Description Internet Use Support (Infrastructure)
Internet Advertising Support (Media)
Internet Finance
Capital 7,148,290,000 YEN

*All company and product names in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
*All information in this document is correct at the time of release. Please be aware that it is subject to change as a result of events occurring after the release date.

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