


GMO Hosting & Security Launches Cell Phone Load Balancer Service

Tokyo – February 17, 2010 – GMO Hosting & Security today launches a Cell Phone Load Balancer Service for managed hosting solutions(*1) .

Cell Phone Load Balancer Service

Cell phone content transmission is slower and less stable than transmission by computer. In recent years there has been a rapid increase in the number of mobile web users and when a mobile site is accessed there is now often a lag in response time. When content delivery is slow or transmission cuts out, system resources are strained and could cause site wide response delays or even bring the site down.

The new GMO-HS Cell Phone Load Balancer Service offers a solution to the problems typically encountered by mobile sites. The new service was designed for customers establishing mobile sites with GMO-HS managed hosting solutions.

Cell Phone Load Balancer Service Features
1. Easy implementation: no need to purchase expensive appliances

Implementing a load balancer requires specialized knowledge in configuration and operation. However, for Cell Phone Load Balancer Service users, iSLE takes care of everything from the purchase of network equipment to configuration and management – so implementation is easy! Customers need only supply the server for the load balancer; we purchase the necessary appliances and build features helping our customers to save on costs.

2. Up to 20,000(*2) simultaneous connections, standard redundancy

The service features standard redundancy. In case there is ever any trouble with the load balancer, the load balancing function will continue to operate. Load balancing can be performed across 2-8 servers for up to 20,000 simultaneous connections (sessions). The service also supports L4 (layer 4) to L7 (layer 7) switching(*3).

3. Load Balancer Session Information (*4) Storage

The load balancer can retain session information so that it is definitely stored on the server side even when cell phones that don’t use Cookie or session information. Storing this information means that website visitors are not required to enter their login ID and password each time they access the site.

Cell Phone Load Balancer Service Outline (all prices tax inclusive)
Set up Fee 207,900 yen
Monthly fees 99,750 yen
System composition 2 X cell phone load balancer (active/stand-by)
1 X software switch
Server connection RJ45 connector, 100BASE-TX connection (no server LAN cable required)
Load balance conditions Round robin, weighted round robin, minimum connection,
URL parameters (customer sets conditions and load balance is carried out in accordance)
No. of server connections Maximum of 8 (IP addresses, TCP ports) connections
Protocols supported http, https, smtp, pop3 etc. SSL offload
Maximum no. of simultaneous connections 20,000 sessions
Session storage URL parameter information allocated by client-side server
Set up fee for additional servers 10,500 yen /per server
Monthly fee for additional servers 8,400 yen/per server
Load Balancer
reconfiguation charges (*5)
10,500 yen
Charges for reconfiguring load balancer following changes to system structure 31,500 yen
Depending on the system structure, additional charges may be incurred for LAN cables and other requirements.
GMO Hosting & Security

One of Japan’s leading hosting providers, GMO Hosting & Security has been providing a diverse range of hosting services through the two brands iSLE and RapidSite since it was first established in 1997. While hosting services are the core of our business we also provide a range of Internet solution products such as electronic authentication certificates and hosting service OEM to ISP and web hosting companies. In November 2006 we received the ISMS (Information Security Management System) International Standard ISO/IEC27001:2005 and JIS Q 27001:2006 Certification.

Media Inquiries

GMO Hosting & Security

GMO Internet

Managed hosting: iSLE dedicated server with dedicated engineer for maintenance for hardware configuration and maintenance.
Based on GMO-HS benchmark testing results. Actual maximum number of sessions may vary according to server construction.
Networking layers in the OSI model. L4 is the transport layer that is responsible for maintaining reliable data delivery. Layer 7 is the application layer and interacts with applications with a communication element.
Session information includes visitor login details, transaction information, visitor activity logs, and information exchanged.
Cell Phone Load Balance Service configuration only. Does not include installation costs.
About GMO Internet Group

GMO Internet Group, headquartered in Japan, is a leading force in the Internet industry offering one of the most comprehensive ranges of Internet services worldwide. The group holds top domestic market share in domain registration, web hosting, and payment processing and provides a host of other Internet services including global online security services, ecommerce solutions, and Internet advertising to both businesses and individuals. At the centre of the group is GMO Internet, Inc. a company listed on the prestigious first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE: 9449).

GMO Hosting & Security, Inc.
Company Name GMO Hosting & Security Inc.
(TSE Mothers Market: 3788)
Address Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
CEO Mitsuru Aoyama
Business Description – Web hosting
– Internet security
Capital 907.80 million yen (12/2009)
GMO Internet Inc.
Company Name GMO Internet Inc.
(TSE First Section Code: 9449)
Address Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
CEO Masatoshi Kumagai
Business Description – Web Infrastructure & E-commerce
– Internet Media
Capital 1.27 billion yen
All information contained in this document was accurate at the time of release. Please be aware that information is subject to change with the passage of time and occurrence of future events.
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